Sunday Classics Brunch 6-25-23

Another one of those shows that we pulled right out of thin air after abandoning the original idea. And as usual when we pull one from there it generally ends up one with a solid audience beginning to end. And that tells us this is one of the good ones. Enjoy – playlist below.

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Sunday Classics Brunch – 05-21-23

Don’t call it a theme show.. because there really wasn’t any theme and really.. that just makes it sound too ‘regular radio’ish for us. Let’s call it a show with songs many of which had some relation to each other. Yes, that’s better. And no, we did not plan this show out in advance. It just happened. 🙂

Full playlist below.

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The Sunday Classics Brunch 12-11-22-1

It seems every few weeks that perfect mix of music just happens. We can tell by watching listener numbers through the show and this one automatically gets added to the ‘best of’ pile. The morning started off in the first hour with tracks from Jesse Colin Young, Lighthouse, Pure Prairie League, Ian Hunter, Budgie, Nantucket… and the rest of the show just kept this going for the entire four hours. Entire playlist below.

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