Sunday Classics Brunch – March 3, 24 ‘Last Of The Dark!’

Yep, that’s right.. the last weekend of The Eternal Darkness (that daylight savings time thing kicks in next Sunday morning!). We kicked off four hours of great tunes and a decent amount of those tracks not the usual ones you hear a lot. Welcome to spring everyone! Full playlist below!

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Sunday Classics Brunch 6-25-23

Another one of those shows that we pulled right out of thin air after abandoning the original idea. And as usual when we pull one from there it generally ends up one with a solid audience beginning to end. And that tells us this is one of the good ones. Enjoy – playlist below.

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The Sunday Classics Brunch 05-08-22-1

The big Mother’s Day edition of the Sunday Classics Brunch – four hours of great classic rock tunes about mothers or picked by mothers. In fact the entire playlist this week was man influence free! Entire playlist below!

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